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Physical maintenance knowledge of stainless steel wire mesh

The application range of stainless steel wire mesh is very wide, ranging from small fences, water cups, audio equipment in family life, to industrial filters, ore screening, aerospace equipment and other applications. But many people don't understand stainless steel wire mesh and don't know that there are many materials and properties of stainless steel wire mesh. Not to mention the maintenance of stainless steel wire mesh. Many people think that stainless steel will never rust and does not require maintenance. This idea is wrong.

If there is dust on the surface of the stainless steel wire mesh and dirt is easy to remove, it can be washed with soap, weak detergent or warm water. The trademark and film on the surface of stainless steel should be washed with warm water and weak detergent, and the binder components should be scrubbed with alcohol or organic solvents (ether, benzene). Grease, oil, and lubricating oil pollution on the stainless steel surface, wipe it clean with a soft cloth, and then clean it with neutral detergent or ammonia solution or special detergent.

There are bleaching agents and various acids attached to the surface of the stainless steel wire mesh. Immediately rinse with water, soak with ammonia solution or neutral carbonated soda solution, and wash with swollen lotion or warm water.

There are rainbow patterns on the surface of the stainless steel wire mesh, excessive use of detergent or oil | can be washed away with warm water and neutral detergent.

Rust caused by dirt on the surface of stainless steel wire mesh can be washed with 10% nitric acid or abrasive detergent, or with special detergents.

As long as we use the correct maintenance methods, we can prolong the service life of stainless steel wire mesh.